The Street That Saves, part the first

“We could do this!” I was talking about Food Savvy’s latest attempt to get us to STOP WASTING FOOD!

Suffolk v Norfolk!

The idea was to find two streets, one in Norfolk and the other in Suffolk, and put them head to head to see which street could save the most food, save the most money, waste the least, and create the most new neural circuits (I made that last one up).

Lorraine and I signed up, we did a Zoom interview with the chirpy Laura of the fantastically energetic charity Hubbub. And, oh my gosh, Lowestoft High Street was chosen to represent Suffolk. Got to be a first of some kind!

Another Zoom, this time with Hubbub’s Tessa. Our task, find another eight households who were up for the The Street That Saves. A flurry of emails, a couple of what Lorraine and I called ‘planning walks’ which were actually a coffee in Sparrow’s Nest, a leaflet drop to a few popular High Street businesses, a bit of loving arm-twisting – and we were there, with a few days to spare.

For those who didn’t make the cut, join The Street That Saved on Facebook, public events (the first one August 8th at 11am, provisionally under The Sails, Triangle Market), follow our blogs, and try out the challenges.

The first one is “How perfect planning can help save £££s and reduce food waste”.

I love planning. But not so good at executing them. So this will be a definite challenge for me.

Hubbub is a charity that designs campaigns that inspire ways of living that are good for the
environment. We focus on things that are relevant to people’s every day to day lives such as
food, fashion, our homes and where we live and work. We look at new and creative ways to
raise awareness, challenge the status quo and empower people to take practical actions that
make a difference.”

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